Andrea Catalina Vaca
Biographical Info Andrea Catalina Vaca was born in California in 1988. Raised in Chicago, Waldorf educated, she studied photography in Santa Fe, New Mexico, from 2007-2011, receiving a BA in Photography. Vaca continued her education by interning at Outside Magazine, working as a bookstore clerk and then at the contemporary art space, SITE Santa Fe. She explored the healing arts and studied massage therapy in 2014. Vaca co-founded the online art magazine, KNACK Magazine, in 2012, with like-minded friends/artists. KNACK Magazine features artists and their artwork from all over the world. After living in Santa Fe for eight years, Vaca moved back to Chicago in the fall of 2015. Since moving back to Chicago, she has been exhibiting her photographs whenever she can, promoting KNACK Magazine, and awaiting what the universe has in store for her next..
Artist Type photographer
Location Pilsen, Chicago
Art01 Caption Paris, France
Art02 Caption Switzerland
Art03 Caption U.S. Mail, Santa Fe, New Mexico
Art04 Caption Untitled