Amy Renzulli

Amy Renzulli

Biographical Info Like all creatives, the call to make art is an undeniable pull. I make art to explore my subconscious, process the world around me and find joy. I always thought intuitive painting was about letting my thoughts and intuition guide me toward completing a painting. But it is so very much more than that. I often find that the artwork TELLS ME what I need to know and what I need to express. It is meditative, calming and enlightening. I find that the more I paint, the more I learn about my life, emotions, and creative energy. It helps me deal with ADHD and depression, my own and others around me. It counteracts threatening boredom and brings me joy. I want the visual impact of my work to make other people happy and draw the viewer in where they continuously discover new things.

Artist Type mixedmedia

Location Oak Park

Short Description Amy works primarily in mixed media using acrylics, markers, hand printed papers, and found ephemera. Her process is full of layers, dings, fixes and scrapes. A final piece has had many lives that evolve over time. The end result is one of discovery and surprise.



Art01 Bad-Assery-or-Bust.jpeg

Art01 Caption Amy Renzulli_Bad Assery_30x30

Art02 4-Walk-With-Me-20-20-1.5-2023.jpeg

Art02 Caption Amy Renzulli_Walk With Me_20x20

Art03 IMG_3237.jpeg

Art03 Caption Amy Renzulli_I Could Not Love You More_24x30

Art04 6A4A1BCF-E7BB-4D6A-833D-562BEF4A9E28.jpeg

Art04 Caption Amy Renzulli_Muted Not Silenced 48×48

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