Christine Vilutis
Biographical Info I am a Midwestern born and bred collage artist. I’m originally from Indiana but spent my adulthood in the great metropolis of Chicago until a very recent move to just outside of the city. After a number of dead end jobs and false starts in other careers, I’ve made a sharp and focused turn towards collage. I use my educational background in psychology — I earned a Master’s in the field about four years ago — in much of my artwork. Through my hand-crafted images, I attempt to explore the multitude of powerful personal and political intersections between individuals’ interior and exterior lives. I’ve found in the last year or so, after the birth of my son with my long-term partner, that I have been gifted with a fresh and concentrated creative energy that I’ve never experienced before. That energy, the time in which to wield it, the loving support of my partner amid the stark facts of pandemic quarantine have allowed me to push myself forward in my career as a visual artist.
Artist Type artist
Location Chicagoland
Short Description My handcrafted collages explore the personal and political intersections between the interior and exterior, where life’s fault lines signal both the sensual and the searing, both pleasure and pain.
Art01 Caption Evening Lantern Meditation, Analog Collage, 9×12″
Art03 Caption Lovely, Analog Collage, 9×12″
Art04 Caption Heritage: Antanas, Analog Collage, 14×17″