Dale Pesmen
Biographical Info I earned a BA in Art and Design and an MA and PhD in Cultural Anthropology at the University of Chicago. I’ve had individual shows and have exhibited my paintings, drawings, and collages in group shows and on book covers. I have published a book and articles, lectured at universities and conferences, and teach and run workshops on the processes of writing and art. I taught at and co-directed the Fieldschool for Ethnographic Sensibility through the University of Alberta, Edmonton. I do accent coaching for non-native speakers of English.
Artist Type artist
Location Chicago, IL, USA
Short Description My work includes paintings on canvas, drawings of figures, animals, and objects, and mixed-media collage-drawings/paintings that incorporate fragments of my own destroyed and re-purposed artwork. There are abstractions and figurative work; most are hybrids of the two. I see making art as a laboratory of awkward scraps, lucky blunders, and unexpected tangents that help me explore multiplicities in perception, in traditions of art, in myself and in the artifacts of my actions. It’s a workshop for exploring what differences can coexist, with what consequences, and for growing compositions that question traditional limits of coherence.
Instagram https://www.instagram.com/dale_pesmen/
Art01 Caption Bird Disrupting 30″ x 24″ Oil on Canvas
Art02 Caption Kaiser Wilhelm II with Falcon 41.25″ x 29.5″ Watercolor Paper, Watercolor Media, Graphite, Ink, Encaustic, Acrylic, Charcoal
Art03 Caption Long-Eared Owl #10 14″ x 16″ Watercolor Crayon and Pencil, Ink, Marker, Acrylic, Gouache on Paper
Art04 Caption Big Black Mason&Dixon #10 42.5″ x 29″ Paper, Watercolor Crayon, Watercolor Pencil, Encaustic, Acrylic, Gouache, Graphite, Ink.