Jean Claude Gosh Darn
Biographical Info Kenneth James Gratto Jr. AKA Jean Claude Gosh Darn AKA Josh Kosh B’Gosh AKA S.O.M.S. AKA so forth and so on, is a Chicago based Neo-Expressionist/Abstract painter and Illustrator. Originally from Rhode Island, many years were spent in the music and skateboarding scene between Boston and NYC, which led to drawing inspiration from the graffiti and street art that was tightly woven with in the community.
Artist Type mixedmedia
Location Chicago, IL
Short Description His work is mainly comprised of Mixed Media abstractions in various formats; chaotic meditations on the human experience under a technologically driven capitalist society.
Art01 Caption “End Program (Death Of Ego)”
Art02 Caption “Self Portrait (Desert Daze Series)”
Art03 Caption “Into The Void”
Art04 Caption “The Automatic Man”