Kala Cullars

Kala Cullars

Biographical Info Kala Cree Cullars is an Artist and Author based in Chicago, IL. Her highest intention is to inspire people to connect with their own divinity and creativity–expressing as the truest version of themselves. Her work also explores human consciousness and the human spirit. She creates reality on both immaterial and material canvas alike. Her work has been featured in various literary magazines and books such as Garland Court Review, High Shelf Press, and Beyond Words. Her debut book of poetry and art, Human Experiencing, was self published in February 2022.

Artist Type mixedmedia

Location Chicago

Short Description Uniquely profound artwork layered with as much meaning as there is color.


Instagram http://www.instagram.com/highest_dimensions

Art01 KCullars_Mother.jpeg

Art01 Caption Mother, May I

Art02 KCullars_AskYourAnger.jpg

Art02 Caption Ask Your Anger

Art03 KCullars_BrainFog.jpg

Art03 Caption Brain Fog

Art04 KCullars_FreeWill.jpg

Art04 Caption Free Will

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