Lindsay Pyrcik

Lindsay Pyrcik

Biographical Info Collage has always been a way for me to explore and play with the concept of reality. By using only paper that I can find (without printing or photocopying), I accept a level of reality and structure. Art happens when I open my mind up to the infinite ways the pieces can come together. My art often reflects on themes of humanity and divinity: how we spend our lives discovering, reconciling, and claiming these two identities within ourselves. I am a gay woman who grew up Catholic and formally studied religion. I am a professional data analyst whose strongest inclinations are intuitive and emotional. While creating, I attempt to find love for the parts of myself that seem contradictory. I try to turn that discovery outward and apply it to the parts of life and humanity that are most difficult for me to understand. If it can be created in 2 dimensions, who’s to say it can’t exist in 3?

Artist Type artist

Location Chicago


Art01 46ADA260-A47F-4182-AC41-12809CA3BEED.jpeg

Art01 Caption creation uncorked, 18” x 24”, paper and glow-in-the-dark stars on cover weight paper

Art02 4C4D868A-847B-44F0-A081-CE7DA4160690.jpeg

Art02 Caption quarantine queen, 27” x 40”, paper on cover weight paper

Art03 4520AFC9-9D60-435C-81E8-62C1FA2CED0B.jpeg

Art03 Caption Clearing the Atmos•Fear, 6”x12”, paper and resin on wood panel

Art04 C831BB03-B17D-49D2-84F1-AEBB82F07EE1.jpeg

Art04 Caption “Keep Planting to Find Out Which One Grows”, 18”x24”, paper and resin on wood panel

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