Lindsay Pyrcik
Biographical Info Collage has always been a way for me to explore and play with the concept of reality. By using only paper that I can find (without printing or photocopying), I accept a level of reality and structure. Art happens when I open my mind up to the infinite ways the pieces can come together. My art often reflects on themes of humanity and divinity: how we spend our lives discovering, reconciling, and claiming these two identities within ourselves. I am a gay woman who grew up Catholic and formally studied religion. I am a professional data analyst whose strongest inclinations are intuitive and emotional. While creating, I attempt to find love for the parts of myself that seem contradictory. I try to turn that discovery outward and apply it to the parts of life and humanity that are most difficult for me to understand. If it can be created in 2 dimensions, who’s to say it can’t exist in 3?
Artist Type artist
Location Chicago
Art01 Caption creation uncorked, 18” x 24”, paper and glow-in-the-dark stars on cover weight paper
Art02 Caption quarantine queen, 27” x 40”, paper on cover weight paper
Art03 Caption Clearing the Atmos•Fear, 6”x12”, paper and resin on wood panel
Art04 Caption “Keep Planting to Find Out Which One Grows”, 18”x24”, paper and resin on wood panel