Alex Puryear /Puryearart
Biographical Info Chicago based artist Alex Puryear (Puryearart) Explorers mixed media material that are subjected not only to the weight and gravity of the physical world but also escaping into the surrealist realm. My approach and evocative scenes features faces and gestures collided to creating a dream perception of another world ,color choices and experimental painterly gestures/technics help with the juxtaposition of each piece. Overall, my work explores the universal experience of existing in various artistic styles.
Artist Type artist
Short Description Utilizing dazzling colors and bold strokes lines. Works embody contention between fluid and concrete, worldly and ethereal, austere, and indulgent, lends each piece a noticeably vibrant essence which can only come from melding such opposing ideologies.
Art01 Caption Unraveling
Art02 Caption Miles Away
Art03 Caption By your side
Art04 Caption Mary