Sammi Ohlson
Biographical Info Sammi is a painter and mixed media artist based in Chicago but she is originally from Massachusetts. Her art uses surrealism in environments and color, with realism in anatomy proportions and still life objects to anchor down the dreamlike images to reality. A frequent subject matter in her work is portraits and figures. Sammi has done various galleries and pop-ups such as Rostrum 312, Argyle Night Market, Pancakes and Booze, and Stola Gallery. Most recently, she curated a show of her own alongside eight local artists and continues to search for opportunity to grow as an artist and make connections with other artists.
Artist Type painter
Location Chicago, IL
Short Description Lots more on my instagram! @sammis_paintings Link:
Art01 Caption Interrupted R.E.M
Art02 Caption Tonsillitis
Art03 Caption Live at the Laundromat
Art04 Caption Conscious Mortals