The night will also feature live painting from visual artist TBA.
“Although Tim Hagans is rightly thought of as a veteran hard bop player, his adventurous spirit has led to him playing pretty freely on this CD. The programming is quite admirable, with three pianoless trios followed by four quartet numbers alternating with separate trumpet-bass and trumpet-drums duets before a brief unaccompanied trumpet solo closes the set…Hagans almost sounds like Don Cherry with technique…there is not a throwaway track among the ten, with Tim Hagans in prime physical and creative form. Highly recommended.”
~Scott Yanow
Tim Hagens – Trumpet/Compositions
Chad McCullough – Trumpet
Ryan Shultz – Bass Trumpet
Jon Irabagon – Sax
Dan Thatcher – Bass
Tom Hipskin – Drums
7:30 Doors
8pm Show
Free Parking
$15 Suggested Donation